Threat & Vulnerability Management

Proactive Defense Against Cyber Vulnerabilities

In an era where cybersecurity threats evolve daily, maintaining a secure network is crucial for protecting sensitive data and ensuring business continuity. Small businesses, in particular, face significant challenges in managing vulnerabilities due to limited resources and budget constraints. Cyvatar’s Threat & Vulnerability Management (TVM) solution is designed to address these challenges head-on, offering a comprehensive suite of services that continuously identifies and remediates vulnerabilities across your organization, ensuring you stay ahead of potential threats.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Solution Setup: From installation and configuration to assessment and ongoing maintenance, our team ensures your TVM solution is optimally deployed and maintained.
  • Continuous Vulnerability Scanning: Our advanced scanning technology continuously monitors your network for vulnerabilities, providing real-time insights into potential threats.
  • Risk Management: We help prioritize vulnerabilities based on potential impact, enabling efficient allocation of resources towards the most critical issues.
  • Patch Management: Our solution streamlines the patch management process, ensuring that vulnerabilities are swiftly remediated with the appropriate patches.
  • Remediation Operations: Beyond identifying vulnerabilities, we actively engage in the remediation process, ensuring vulnerabilities are effectively neutralized.
  • Maintenance of Remediated Status: We continuously monitor remediated vulnerabilities to prevent recurrence, maintaining the integrity of your defenses.
  • Quarterly Penetration Assessments: Automated external network penetration assessments are conducted quarterly to simulate cyber-attacks and test your network’s resilience.
  • Monthly Executive Reporting: Receive detailed reports outlining vulnerability management activities, remediation efforts, and overall cybersecurity posture, enabling informed decision-making.

Why Choose Cyvatar’s TVM Solution?

  • Preventative Approach: Our preventative strategy ensures vulnerabilities are identified and addressed before they can be exploited, minimizing risk to your business.
  • Resource Efficiency: Cyvatar’s TVM solution enables small businesses to maintain a robust cybersecurity posture without the need for extensive in-house resources or expertise.
  • Focus on Growth: By managing your cybersecurity vulnerabilities, we allow you to focus on growing your business, confident in the knowledge that your network is secure.
  • Expert Support: Access to Cyvatar’s team of cybersecurity experts, providing guidance, support, and insights to enhance your vulnerability management strategy.

Secure Your Network with Cyvatar’s TVM

With Cyvatar’s Threat & Vulnerability Management, you gain a partner dedicated to safeguarding your network against the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats. Our comprehensive solution not only identifies and remediates vulnerabilities but also ensures that your business remains operational and secure, allowing you to focus on what you do best. Embrace a proactive cybersecurity posture with Cyvatar’s TVM and protect your business from potential vulnerabilities and threats.

Discover how Cyvatar’s TVM solution can fortify your cybersecurity defenses. Contact us today to learn more.

Circa Las Vegas

Thurs. Aug 5th

Cybersecurity Reunion Pool Party at BlackHat 2021
