How Much Would You Pay for Two People with the KSAs to Address Your Level 1 Risks? 

How Much Would You Pay for Two People with the KSAs to Address Your Level 1 Risks? 

  Courtney Pereira | 08/19/2024


Imagine having two superheroes on your team, each equipped with the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) to fend off cyber villains and protect your business from harm. Sounds ideal, right? But like any superhero, these experts come with a price tag. Cybersecurity is an essential aspect of any business, yet many SMBs struggle with limited budgets and resources to address their security needs. One way to manage this is by hiring individuals with the KSAs necessary to handle your company’s Level 1 risks. But how much would you pay for such expertise, and is it the most cost-effective solution? Let’s explore. 

Understanding Level 1 Risks 

Level 1 risks encompass the fundamental aspects of cybersecurity, such as protecting against common threats, ensuring basic network security, and maintaining compliance with essential regulations. These are the day-to-day battles against cyber threats that, if left unchecked, can open the door to more significant problems. Addressing these risks is crucial for establishing a solid security foundation for your business, much like laying the first bricks of a fortress. 

The Cost of Hiring Cybersecurity Professionals 

Hiring cybersecurity professionals with the right KSAs can be expensive. Salaries for skilled cybersecurity experts can range from $80,000 to $150,000 per year, depending on their experience and location. For two professionals, this could mean an annual cost of $160,000 to $300,000, not including benefits, training, and other associated expenses. It’s like recruiting your own superhero squad but without the luxury of an unlimited budget. 

Evaluating the Value 

While the cost of hiring cybersecurity professionals is significant, it’s essential to consider the value they bring to your organization. Skilled professionals can: 

  • Proactively identify and mitigate security threats: Just like superheroes patrolling the city, these experts can spot trouble before it escalates. 
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements: Navigating the maze of regulations is their superpower, keeping your business on the right side of the law. 
  • Implement and manage security tools and protocols: They bring the latest tech gadgets to the fight, ensuring your defenses are always up to date. 
  • Provide ongoing education and training to employees: Sharing their knowledge, they empower your team to be vigilant and informed. 

Alternative Solutions 

For many SMBs, the high cost of hiring dedicated cybersecurity professionals may not be feasible. Fortunately, there are alternative solutions to consider: 

Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) 

Outsourcing your cybersecurity needs to an MSSP can provide access to a team of experts at a fraction of the cost. MSSPs offer comprehensive security services, including threat monitoring, incident response, and compliance management. Think of them as your security team on demand, ready to jump into action whenever needed. 

Cybersecurity as a Service (CaaS) 

This model allows you to leverage enterprise-level security tools and expertise on a subscription basis. CaaS providers offer scalable solutions tailored to your business needs, ensuring you only pay for the services you require. It’s like having a superhero on retainer, ready to suit up and defend your business without the full-time commitment. 

Automated Security Tools 

Advanced security tools with automation capabilities can handle many Level 1 risks without the need for a large team. These tools can provide real-time threat detection, automated responses, and continuous monitoring, reducing the need for extensive manual intervention. Think of them as robotic sidekicks, tirelessly guarding your digital realm. 

How Cyvatar Can Help 

Cyvatar offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to address Level 1 risks efficiently and cost-effectively. Our managed services provide access to a team of cybersecurity experts who can handle threat detection, compliance management, and security training. By partnering with Cyvatar, SMBs can leverage top-tier security expertise without the high costs associated with hiring full-time professionals. Our solutions are scalable, ensuring that as your business grows, your security measures evolve to meet new challenges. 


While hiring cybersecurity professionals with the KSAs to address Level 1 risks is invaluable, it may not be the most cost-effective solution for every SMB. Evaluating alternative solutions such as MSSPs, CaaS, and automated tools can provide robust security at a more manageable cost. Ultimately, the goal is to find the right balance between cost and security to protect your business effectively. By leveraging the right resources, you can ensure your company remains secure and resilient in the face of ever-evolving cyber threats. 

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